Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Fantasy Fest

Guess which one has a healthy, self-confident mindset about their body and which one dates drug dealers and thinks they need body altering surgery? Yeah, I don't understand either.

Fantasy Fest. Halloween as it should be celebrated, 10 days long and various shades of paint covered naked bodies. I'm pretty certain I can't post some of the best photos, but there were some great memories from that week and a half.

First off, you need ten costumes if you plan to enjoy the entire celebration. *Note: You can make it with just one, so long as your plans for the night don't involve socializing with anyone sober enough to smell you.

 Ah, red party.

It is a hot, sweaty, raucous good time, and for the people who work on the island, it's a significant portion of their annual pay. Twelve hours of work can send a bartender home with several thousand dollars for the night. Needless to say, it's a popular event to host.

Now, alot of that week is fairly blurry for me, but the parade down Duval Street, in all its macabre gaudiness, is definitely worth seeing.

Costumes range from the clever to the enticing to the essentially non-existant, and as with all nudity in Key West, odds are good you're going to get three eyefuls of something awful for every prancing naked beauty you behold. Don't even get me started about Lesbian Weekend or the 93 year old woman in bondage gear with her boyfriend on a leash using a walker. *shudder*

Bring your sense of humor or else. Seriously.

 Laziness, drunkeness, and nudity. As it should be.

*Warning: If you have serious religious disagreements with the state of morality on the island, be forewarned that the revelers will not take you nearly as seriously as you take yourself (Especially if you're standing around half naked while you do it... or in camo pants).

The street entertainment gets creepier every year.
These gents had set up shop near the cathedral on Duval, we had a good laugh on the way to grab some Mr. Z's. I will miss those greasy, wonderful cheesesteaks for the rest of my natural life. Anyway, it does make one wonder what it would be like to be born bereft of a sense of humor... or irony, for that matter.

This is also the week I discovered the joy of Bailey's Mint on the rocks after a long night of work. Wonderful stuff.

Oh, and also, waking up in the cleanest alley I've ever passed out in in my life. If you value your memory, avoid the diesel 151 drinks.

Good times.

Well, till next time. All good things should end with a kiss, don't you think?


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