Sunday, February 13, 2011

Current Times - 1

For the most part, this blog is going to take place in the past tense, as I go through places I've been and the pictures I've taken there, but it seems strange to me not to keep people a little bit up to date, especially considering the effect recent events have on my (admittedly casual) posting schedule.


I'm back in South Korea after two months or so in the States to get paperwork and other such things in order. In another week or so I should know if I am or am not settled into a work contract with visa backing, once more. Should things go smoothly with Immigration, I'll have a few more hurdles to leap, such as securing funding for, finding, and renting an apartment (hopefully near the school, I hate commutes) and when/if that is all done, my life should have settled down again and I can hopefully convince myself to get into a working schedule.

The blog is not the only project to suffer due to current work instabilities though, the novel hasn't so much as been touched the last two months, which I hate, because I am so very close to finished with it. I'm really looking forward to submissions and rejection letters and that whole "process", and I'm very curious to see if I'm a good enough writer to be published by a major house. If not, I'll probably say fuckit and self publish, but first things first.

Also on my mind lately... wishing I could draw. I'm not horrible. I can represent things fairly well when I set out to do so, but to really be able to draw the human form... maybe I'll find a class or two to slip between learning Korean and getting back into a workout/martial arts schedule.

Yeesh. So much to do. I need to make a list or something.

Well, nice catching up with you all. I'll try to get the next photographic installment out shortly.


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