Friday, February 4, 2011

Kyoto Temples

Sorry for the unscheduled hiatus folks, I've been busily trying to secure a great job for myself that would also allow me alot more time to work on these and other creative ventures. Right now, it's still up in the air. Everything hinges on the decisions of one bureacrat whom I will meet with when I return to South Korea in two weeks. Not good. But keep your fingers crossed for me.

In the meantime, I'm going to try and get a daily picture update in from my time in Kyoto. There's no great story to go with them, for the most part. My parents came for a visit and I wanted to take them to see the city I had really wanted to live in, but hadn't gotten the chance to when I took the job in Japan.

Oh, btw, even though they don't let you take pictures inside it, don't miss Sanjusangendo. Thousands of buddha statues, and other gods as well. Very cool.
So, lets get started on ze pictshaz.

Kyoto Skyline
Shot from the balcony of a VERY nice hotel room, four floors up. Oddly, there was a graveyard on a ridge almost eyeline to the balcony, left of the shot. I say odd because you dont normally walk out onto a fourth floor balcony and expect to be eye level with a graveyard...

Grand Old Temple
Despite the failing light, I really like the composition of this shot. The angle especially, came off very well. I have not the slightest clue which temple grounds I was on. We just wandered here randomly after dinner. It looks a bit like Daitokuji, though...

Midnight Cleansing
Incase you couldn't tell, I really like dark nighttime shots with select points of light to emphasize the centerpiece and the things hidden around it. This is a cleansing fountain in Kiyomizudera.

Wishes on a String
Tiny scraps of paper holding the wishes, hopes, and dreams of those who pass through. Each tiny piece, so very important to someone, somewhere.
(Oh, as always, posted pictures are available in original format for a price, just contact the photographer at


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